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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Rim Trail T105 and T105A

Haynes Canyon vista
Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I did a long section of Rim Trails T105 and T105A this morning; it was the Heeler's first high mountain hike, and they loved it.

It was much cooler way up high and we enjoyed the shade provided by all the pine trees in the Lincoln National Forest.  We saw nobody else during our outing, but we did catch a glimpse of a fast-departing animal, which I thought was either a deer or elk.  I went looking for it while Dr. K held Willow and Frio back, but never saw anything.

On the drive back we pulled into the parking lot of the Cathey Canyon Vista, but the view wasn't as spectacular as the Haynes Canyon Vista, which I photographed on our way to Sunspot.

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Huge pine tree

I stand about six feet; how tall is this pine?

This & next 4:  Variegated Fritillary on Verbena Hastata

How many bugs on the cones of this Orange Sneezeweed?

Willow, Frio, Dr. K

Frio and Willow

Just in case


Rim Trail branch

Not sure how healthy these trees are

Aspens with a view


Old toppled tree

Sticky Purple Geranium

Snapped off

Flowers and shadows


Where we found ourselves



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

My favorite photo here (so many beautiful ones to choose from) is the image of the Sticky Purple Geranium, perhaps because I'm having such a hard time growing Geraniums in the low desert.

Saturday with Wils

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