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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Gracias a la Brisa

Sky at start
It was already quite hot when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I began our morning trek; fortunately a steady breeze helped moderate the heat.

We did our usual trek, taking as many shade and water breaks as the ant population would allow; both dogs drank amply.

We were all glad to reach the shelter of the CR-V after our outing, and we were especially grateful when the air conditioning began abundantly pumping cold air.

This & next:  heading down LDR-A

Ocotillo sky

Chihuahuan Desert landscape

Soaptree Yucca fruit

Frio and Willow

Parched Prickly Pear pear

Some Ocotillos are still surprisingly green

Troll petroglyph

This & next:  Willow and Frio

Sky at hike's end


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It was a dynamic sky at the beginning of our hike.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...