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Tuesday, July 4, 2023


1st 3:  mountain views from our property
Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I did a pretty strenuous bushwhack through the forest behind our cabin this morning, going much further than we usually do.

While climbing the hill Willow, Frio and I spotted a Mule Deer buck ahead; we never got a good look at him because he moved higher and out of sight.

What Dr. K and I did see properly was a male Flame Skimmer dragonfly that stopped for a while, allowing me to take photos.  When I tried sneaking in front of him for a head-on shot he took off.  This was the first time we'd ever seen this bright orange beauty.

After depositing the Heelers in the cabin Dr. K and I went to shovel up some dog poop on our road, and then we did some forestry work just beyond the road, moving a fallen tree out of the way and trimming a few overhanging branches.  All in a day's work for the Sacramento Mountains gang.

The "O"s on shade break

This & next 5:  photos from forest bushwhack

This & next:  1st ever sighting of a male Flame Skimmer

Libellula saturata

Another shade break for Frio and Willow

Willow and Frio in the shade from our cabin


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful images of the Flame Skimmer Dragonfly.

Saturday with Wils

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