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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Early Early Hike

Old Soaptree Yucca seed pod
Because I had a 10 a.m. doctor's appointment today Dr. K, Willow and I got a very early start on our trek:  7 a.m.

Because the Swainson's Hawk was perched atop its Torrey Yucca we did a quick bushwhack over to the saddle, climbed partially up a hill where I took some photos of the raptor.

We bushwhacked back to the left branch arroyo and proceeded to finish the rest of the hike.  When we headed up the right branch arroyo we spotted the Basset people and their hounds coming down the ridge just west of us.  We all waved to each other--the humans, that is.

When they descended to LDR-A we ascended the east branch, climbed the hill to the west and entered the CR-V.


Long distance view of Swainsy

Last 4:  Close-up view of Swainsy atop a yucca


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That Swainson's Hawk is so majestic. Nice images.

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