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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Good Old Grand View and Loop

1st 3:  Sacramento Mountains from our property
We did the Grand View Trail and loop this morning, and Dr. K, Willow and I had the whole thing to ourselves.  A guy in a GMC pickup pulled into the parking area just as we got out of the CR-V to begin our trek, but he headed off onto the Bridal Veil Falls Trail.

We did bump into him when we had finished our outing, and he asked if we'd had a good hike.  "Gotta get an early start now," he said.  He was right about the weather:  very pleasant when we headed out, but a bit toasty for our return.

Willow looking for her buddies

This & next 3:  Grand View Trail

View from near the midpoint ramada

Willow in the shade of the ramada

This & next 2:  White Sands NP

Sotols and junipers in the cut

Hedgehog growing in rock

This & next:  Mexican Barberry blooming

View of the mountains from the loop trail

Yellow flowers

This & next:  three hedgehog cacti growing in rock

Grand View Loop:  narrow, rocky and often steep

Prickly Pear flower and friend

Mountain rose


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the blooming Mexican Barberry bushes. We all enjoyed this morning's hike.

Hummer Redux

All hummer pics: 3 different Rufous females or young males Dr. K, Willow and I did our usual hike this morning spending an inordinate amount...