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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Circumnavigating the Mountain

Rock monoliths on Tortugas's eastern flank
A fast-moving storm blew through during the early-morning hours (4 to 5 a.m.) and deposited a lot of rain.  Apparently, we were under a flash flood warning, but the storm passed so quickly there was no flooding.  Due to rain-cooled air it almost felt chilly this morning when Becca and I hit the trail out of the Monte Vista parking area.  We took advantage of the weather, making a complete (extra-long) circuit of Tortugas Mountain.  Because we took the outer loop road our trek required about two hours to complete.  Becca loved it.  I did, too.
Blue skies in one direction

Clouds in another direction

Clouds pressing close to the desert floor

Around back of Tortugas Mountain

The trail south of the mountain

A few pipe organs in the Organ Mountains

Mountain reflected in puddle

Clouds (fog) at ground level

Just a peek

Somebody's desert mansion

Clouds just above the community of Talavera

This arroyo out of the mountain was quite muddy

Clouds where the Organs should be

Cooperative Desert Cottontail posing for a portrait

A steep ascent to the foothills trail

The Sunset Parking lot and ramada

Organ Peak (the right one of the two) is 9,000+ feet

As we hike the the north side of Tortugas, the Organ Range is on view

The Organs are part of the southern Rocky Mountains

Another very steep climb

Leveling out (Monte Vista parking lot and ramada at left)

A small pool of water in a rock basin

Rain makes the desert green


Scott said...

Some of your images make the area around Tortugas and the distant Organs look almost alpine. The clear, deep blue skies clearly demonstrate the lower humidity, too.

In all the time I've been following your blog, I've never seem images of the rock monoliths on the eastern flank; nice addition to the collection of pictures of the mountain.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott, and thank you for following my blog. I really appreciate it. And I especially love following your blog, which is always interesting and informative.

Dr. K said...

All of these photos are so striking, especially the ones of the clouds.

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