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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trek Into Soledad Canyon

Soledad Canyon is a Bureau of Land Management day-use area located in the Organ Mountains about ten miles east of Las Cruces, New Mexico.  Several different trails make for fascinating hikes of various lengths within the canyon.  Hikers trekking up the main trail straight to the base of the mountains are often rewarded with the sight of a small waterfall.  After summer rains, the high-desert canyon is lush with vegetation, and much of the flatland between the mountains resembles an African savannah.  


Dr. K said...

You have outdone yourself with these photos, Packrat. I especially like the last one.

Scott said...

Very nice, but 9 and 19 are my favorites.

packrat said...

Thanks Dr. K and Scott.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...