A dip in the foothills trail |
Forging ahead |
Cresting this section of the trail |
Buds and flower of a Barrel Cactus |
Soon to break out in blossoms |
Closeup of flower replete with pollen |
A dip in the foothills trail |
Forging ahead |
Cresting this section of the trail |
Buds and flower of a Barrel Cactus |
Soon to break out in blossoms |
Closeup of flower replete with pollen |
Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...
Kali, ever the cat lover and indifferent (or worse) about dogs, has been making noises lately about how she sees she could have a dog around. Regardless of how I feel about cats (or dogs), no more pets! When the current crop passes away--that's it! (Could this attitude have anything to do with the fact that I do ALL animal-related activities around the house, and I do mean ALL?)
I like to jokingly call Packrat a pet slave. Becca has trained him well.
Comments like that will get you into the doghouse, Scott.
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