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Friday, October 25, 2013

Last of the Week

This 3-foot-tall, 3-foot-diameter Barrel Cactus is collapsing in on itself
Today marks the third or fourth consecutive day that students were attending the lineman school.  They were making a lot of noise when we started off, and from a distance we could see them tossing a ball around--undoubtedly before class began.  We quickly got away from the large group, hiking down into the lower desert, and then taking the furthest outer loop road into the outback.  There was nobody else out there.  Because the weather is warm again we're back to hiking in short-sleeve shirt and shorts.  Well, I am.  Becca never seems to tire of her coat.
The lineman school from a different perspective

Wind power for pumping water

Clouds tell the story of slightly higher humidity

Tortugas Mountain and the Organ Mountains


The very best hiking companion


Anonymous said...

"The very best hiking companion" ... I know what you mean. There's no one I would rather go exploring with than Tippy. When we go to the creek, she is perfectly tuned into every move I make, and watches over me like a hawk. Nothing better than a good dog:)

Scott said...

"I'm melting! What a world! What a world!" quoth the Barrel Cactus.

Dr. K said...

I wonder how long it will take that barrel cactus to totally fall in on itself.

packrat said...

I hear you, Ruby.


packrat said...

Good one, Scott!


packrat said...

Dr. K: I hope it fights the odds and lives a long, productive life.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...