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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dromedary Day

A Packrat and his dog (or, at least, their shadows)
No, we didn't see any camels on our hike this morning; it's just a silly way of saying "hump day."  It was quite cold when we started out:  18 degrees Fahrenheit.  The one really good thing was that there was no wind.  Even a moderate wind would have made it feel much worse.  We ran into JC and Shaque and hiked with them on about two-thirds of the inner loop trail.  Then JC and I stood shooting the breeze back at the trailhead while Becca and Shaque waited patiently in their respective vehicles.
Glad to reach the sun on a cold morning

Looking back at the mountain's edge

Looking for friendly faces:  canine and human alike

White-winged dove on a Torrey Yucca


Scott said...

Nine degrees and overcast here this morning with a bit of a breeze. Walking out and back along our 0.1-mile driveway to get the newspaper was enough for me! You and Becca are from pretty hardy stock, Packrat!

Dr. K said...

Packrat, being from Ohio, doesn't mind the cold nearly as much as I (an Arizona native) do.

packrat said...


Nine degrees with a breeze is COLD!

packrat said...

Hearty Western Reserve stock, Dr. K.


Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...