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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Humid With a Chance of Rain

Becca and I got a bit of a late start this morning, and even though it wasn't hot conditions were uncomfortable because of high humidity.  According to local meteorologists there's a good chance of rain later today; abundant sunshine coupled with ample moisture creates "lift" that often results in thunderstorms.  We'll see what we get in the form of precipitation.  I decided to cut our daily trek a little short because Becca seemed to be bothered by the humidity.  We'll have to leave much earlier in the coming days because we're in for something of an early-June heatwave.
On the steep slope of Tortugas

Prickly Pear with huge pads

Down the bobsled run

Prickly Pear and Bishop Cap

The largest pad is as big as a dinner plate



Ocotillo prison

Devil's Head


Dr. K said...

About the first photo--is the hole in the rock natural or manmade?

packrat said...

Man-made, Dr. K. It's up there where the old rock quarry is.

Scott said...

Sorry...I don't get the "Puppy?" caption.

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...