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Sunday, June 19, 2016


Sisyphus's rock
We could smell the White-thorn Acacia from inside the car before we even reached the Monte Vista side of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  The sweet-scented Acacia is blooming all over the mountain, giving the surrounding desert the air of a perfumery.  Dr. K, Becca and I did a moderately-long hike around the south and west sides of the mountain constantly breathing the fragrance, which, frankly, gets a little cloying after a while.  Unlike yesterday morning--which was hotter--we had absolutely not a breath of wind so it felt stifling enough for Becca to seek a respite in the shade of a large cliff where nature has created a small rock shelter--a cave with an overhanging ledge.  We stayed there for quite a spell before moving on, then cut the trek a little short due to the oppressive heat.
Becca in shadow near the rock shelter

View from in front of the rock shelter

The view up Tortugas Mountain from the rock shelter

Don't hike up there

Bushwhacking through here is not recommended

That trail leads here

Becca on the upper portion of the trail behind the mountain

White-thorn Acacia is blooming everywhere

Starting the long trek back

Part of Tortugas from the south

Large swaths of White-thorn Acacia perfume the air

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The aroma of the acacia blooms is one of my favorite desert scents.

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