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Friday, December 23, 2016

After the Rain

Eager to hit the trail on a sunny morning
With the exception of a several hours break in the precipitation yesterday we pretty much had an all-day-much-of-the-night rainfall.  Local meteorologists predicted the possibility of dense fog this morning, but it really turned out to be quite light.  Nevertheless it made for some interesting vistas out in the northern Chihuahuan Desert today.  The increased humidity combined with the sun created an ambient temperature that felt somewhat uncomfortable at times.  I mistakenly overdressed and had to remove my mid-weight anorak half way through our trek.
Best not bump noggins with a Devil's Head

Potrillo Mountains floating on a sea of fog

We three yuccas of orient are

Along the single-track through the grass

Old Curved Bill resting on a Torrey Yucca leaf

Becoming one with a yucca

Off the beaten path

Chihuahuan Desert flora

The long road west

Inside a well-populated arroyo

Tortugas and the Orgsans

Foggy desert

Clouds brushing the Organs

Back in the saddle again

High points of the Organ Mountains

Inside yet another arroyo

One of my favorite yuccas

The rugged Organ Mountains

What an expanse of desert

I've never seen such a rock; looks like quartz welded to another type of rock

Lying in wait

Becca's actually watching people way over on the mountain road

Fog at the base of the Franklin Mts. near El Paso (40 miles away)

Fog at the base of the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That last photo, with the fog at the base of the Organs, is especially striking.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...