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Monday, December 19, 2016

Another Cold Morning

On the road around the mountain
Even though the temperature was higher this morning than yesterday (30F vs. the low 20's) it felt much colder today due to the absence of sun and a persistent wind.  I was praying for old Sol to show its face and spread a little warmth in this section of the northern Chihuahuan Desert, but it was a timid soul, making only sporadic appearances.  At one moment, after I'd lowered my anorak hood, I thought it would be warm enough to continue trekking sans head covering, but increasingly thick clouds carried in by a more forceful wind quickly made me change my mind, and I soon withdrew my noggin turtle-like back into the protective hood.  Becca, of course, is oblivious to the vicissitudes of the weather, or so it seems to me.
First person on Mars

Watching for other outdoor enthusiasts

Bishop Cap (left) and the Franklin Mts. (near El Paso) on the horizon

Aren't we going down this way?

Becca wants to cross down into an arroyo

Way out west

Part of the rugged Organ Mountains

Soaptrees and a bit of blue sky

Here comes more cloud cover

Uncooperative raptor (I believe it's a Red-tailed Hawk)

Characterless scene (my bad)

A little more character

Now that's a character!

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I never get tired of seeing photos of our girl Becca.

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