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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Rain to Shine

How things looked starting off
Becca and I had to delay our hike this morning waiting out the rain.  While we waited I consulted the weather radar online and noticed that a break in the showers was coming up soon.  We had plenty of time to get in a long hike west of Tortugas Mountain, though about two-thirds of the way through it began to rain lightly; it didn't last.  Shortly after the precipitation stopped the sun made its first appearance.  One constant throughout our entire trek was the wind.  It was downright blustery, making it feel a lot colder than 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  Since we've been home it's been raining fairly consistently, and now (2:06 p.m.) it's beginning to come down a lot harder.
Becca looking for any other foolhardy souls

Pushing ahead on the trail skirting the mountain

Getting dynamic

Knock it off with the picture-taking

Check out that sky

Road heading west

Rain over the Organ Mountains

Picacho barely visible in the distance

Don't like what's pushing in from the south

Wet arroyo

Heading out of the arroyo

Quite a wet desert

Clouds pressing down on the mountains


We're climbing back up the mountain

Nearly all the way to the high foothills trail

Making our way back to the trailhead

Clouds at the base of the Organ Mountain and Tortugas (right)


packrat said...

While I was doing my blog this afternoon Becca went haywire at the front door, and Dr. K came to tell me that two bobcats had just crossed our concrete stoop. They had just left the waterhole when I arrived at the window with the camera I could grab quickest, a Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot so I wasn't able to get great photos of them as they crossed through the arroyo at the south side of our property. But here they are in the last two images.

Dr. K said...

Fun to see those bobcats, but I hope the neighborhood cats and small dogs are safe. Beautiful photos of the desert and sky today.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...