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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

An Abundance of Ruminant Scat

Becca and a tiny patch of snow
Dr. K, Becca and I did the Grand View Trail this morning, and though the morning was chilly the day turned out to be quite beautiful.  We were going to include part of the Bridal Veil Falls Trail in our adventure, but decided to do some exploring off the Grand View Trail instead.  We saw nobody else for most of our long trek, but on the way back to the Jeep we encountered a man and woman hiking with their Blue Heeler named Sadie.  The man observed Becca in the "down" position she had assumed and said, "Looks like she's ready to do some herding."  It's what herding dogs do.  By the way, the title of today's blog makes reference to the incredible amount of deer and elk scat we saw during our outing; it was easily the most poop we've ever seen along this trail.
Mountain Bluebirds?

Lower section of the Sacramentos

Elk prints

Mule Deer scat

Wispy clouds

Elk scat

Mid-point ramada

White Sands National Monument

A closer look at White Sands


Dr. K and Becca moseying along the trail

More wisps

Clouds above cliff

We got a fleeting glimpse of a Mule Deer up there

Along the Grand View Trail

I think this a Mountain Bluebird

Juniper/Pinyon territory

Maybe a young Mountain Bluebird

Plenty of room for perching

The bird that flew away

Territory around High Rolls/Mountain Park

A little off-trail exploring

Parts of the Sacramentos are pretty rugged


Sotol growing among juniper

Elk scat

Careful not to step off the trail

Contrails above the ramada

Cowboy photobombs the picture by peeing on a Jeep tire

Gage decides to have a look inside the Jeep

Champ is a great dog

Dr. K pets Gage and Champ

Gage is the sweetest little thing

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The title of this post is one for the ages, Packrat. A lovely hike today made even better by those playful dogs.

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