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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

High Overcast

Yesterday's late-afternoon cloud stack
It was overcast and quite cool when Becca and I hit the trail this morning, and a slight breeze kept it from warming up.  We did a brief bit of bushwhacking in the outback far west of Tortugas Mountain hoping to see Coyotes or other wildlife.  No such luck. We did spot a couple of different Loggerhead Shrikes, and I'm always happy to encounter them; I say "we" spotted them, though I doubt Becca saw either one.  She's got her nose glued to bushes most of the time.
Reverent yucca

Spotting someone on the mountain road

12-foot Torrey Yucca

Clouds over Bishop Cap

Piece of dead yucca reminiscent of a primitive mask

Long view across the Chihuahuan Desert

Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike's best side

The gap

Same view, greater distance

Cloud over the Organs

Rock with a coat

Way up ahead in the arroyo

Soaptree Yucca seed pod with one seed remaining

Different seed pod

Much-photographed yucca

Down the wide arroyo

Barrel Cactus with fruit

Quite a healthy barrel of fruit

Barrel Cactus fruit is edible for humans

Cloud bending over the Organ peaks

I kept hoping Becca had sighted Coyotes, but no such luck

A different Loggerhead Shrike

They like to perch on Ocotillo branches while searching for insects to eat

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. That new camera is serving you well. The face of the loggerhead shrike reminds me of the Lone Ranger.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...