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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Back in the Old Haunts

High-elevation cactus garden
Becca and I were back in our old stomping grounds this morning, doing an extra-long trek west of Tortugas Mountain and on into the outback.  We saw absolutely no one until the end of our hike when we rounded a bend and saw a Coyote on the trail ahead.  The Coyote watched us approaching for a few seconds before slipping up a hill out of sight.  There he stood watching as we passed, and I was able to catch a glimpse of him hiding behind some underbrush while he got a good look at us.
On the upper foothills trail

Flank of Tortugas and the Organs

Road around the mountain

Winter in the Chihuahuan Desert

Desert scout

The critter search

Long-range view of the mountains

Interesting sky

Aurora clouds

Our Lady mountains

Even further away

Telephotographing the mountains

Wild sky

Looking the other way

Yuccas and Ocotillos on an arroyo bank

Shadowy contrail

That eerie feeling you're being watched

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos of the clouds and contrails--very dynamic.

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