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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Crowded Mountain

At start
It wasn't too crowded when Becca and I started off west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, but it got increasingly so as time passed.  I'm not sure if these outdoor enthusiasts were visiting students from South Alabama (NMSU has a big football game today), but many of them were young people.  Some were yelling back and forth to each other as young people sometimes do.  It wasn't a great distraction, though, and the Beckster and I had a good time exploring the region we call "the outback."  On the way in we had to stay off to the side of Geothermal Road because trucks ladened with wooden pallets were heading to the top of the mountain, perhaps for a later celebratory bonfire.
What does Becca see across the valley?

She sees a mountain biker enjoying a morning ride

Time to get going again

I'm guessing Hairy-seed Bahia (Bahia absinthifolia)

Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

Forging ahead

Huge, old Torrey Yucca (at least 15 feet tall)

View to the mountains

Hikers at the gate

Becca hears people's voices

Heading up the road to the top

At least one is coming down

Long view to the Organ Mountains

Cactus Wren

Happy not to use its scientific name:  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus)

In an arroyo

Looking the other way in the arroyo

Nice day despite the overcast

Always keeping a watchful eye

Desert sun through overcast

Closeup of a Banana Yucca

View through a colorful Ocotillo

Large Soaptree Yucca

Exposed roots of an Ocotillo

Closer look at the root system

The way we came

Becca is an ardent desert hiker

A couple of the lights at Aggie Memorial Stadium

Beyond the homes lies Picacho "Peak"

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. My favorites are the photos of the cactus wren in the yucca. I like the way you capture all of the bird's markings.

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