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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Screaming Contest

Eight White-winged Doves on a line
For the entire ninety minutes that Becca and I spent trekking west of Tortugas Mountain a group of kids were engaged in what I can only describe as a periodic screaming contest at the mountaintop.  Can't say whether there were adults with these kids, but there certainly was no adult supervision.  I understand that kids will be kids (though I can assure you that screaming was not tolerated by my parents when my brother and I were growing up), but don't parents counsel their children that screaming like that is unacceptable, especially in a place where outdoor enthusiasts are trying to enjoy the peace and quiet provided by the natural world?
Loggerhead Shrike

Caught something in flight (lower center)

An arroyo runs through it

Far to the northwest of the mountains

Heading for the Crosscut Trail

Perfect perch for an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Cactus Wren on a yucca stalk

Computer-enhanced American Kestrel

Exploring an arroyo we explored yesterday

Not sure why it's so hazy this morning

Stand of Torrey Yuccas

Can anyone see me?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photographs of the birds and (of course) of Becca. I'm sorry that there was so much screaming!

Extra Long

Willow leading the way Dr. K had to drive all the way to El Paso for an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek. ...