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Monday, March 25, 2019

Blooming in Our Absence

Bicolor Fanmustard
Becca and I started off early on a morning trek west of Tortugas Mountain, and we--or at least I--was surprised by the number of wildflowers and yuccas in bloom.  All this blooming happened while we were in the Sacramento Mountains for a week.  Not long after getting going we ran into our pal Raymond who we hadn't seen since last August.  We hiked with him for a bit until running into Tracey and George, who we hung with for a few minutes before moving on.  We did a little bushwhacking to get some images of yuccas in bloom, and then headed back to the trailhead.  Waiting near Whitey the CR-V was our good buddy Jimmy.  I apologized for not being able to chat for long because of a dentist appointment, but we were able to talk for a decent while before going our separate ways.
This and the next 2:  Torrey Yuccas in bloom

This morning's moon

Maybe tomorrow

This and the next 3:  same Torrey Yucca in flower

Yellow Desert Evening Primrose

Scorpionweed and Prickly Pear

This and the next 4:  all the same Torrey Yucca

Velvety Nerisyrenia

Becca loving the lower desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Spectacular photos of the blooming yucca, Packrat.

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