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Monday, March 11, 2019

Sprinkled Upon

Lyreleaf Jewelflowers
Day #2 of Daylight Saving Time, and I'm still not in the swing, though we got an earlier start than we did yesterday.  Becca was happy to get out on the trail west of Tortugas Mountain even though it looked as if we could get rained on at any moment; and indeed we did.  A little past the midway point of our trek the sky began spitting at us, although the rainfall never amounted to much more than an intermittent sprinkle.

We encountered a runner about a half-mile into the hike, but never saw anybody else all the while we were out there.  Somewhat surprisingly, though, the parking lot at the Sunset Area was substantially filled with vehicles when we got a distant look at it from the mesa just west of the mountain.  Generally not that many people are out early on a Monday morning.
This and the next:  Black-throated Sparrow

White Tackstem bud (Calycoseris Wrightii)

Velvety Nerisyrenia

Velvety Nerisyrenia

Young Devil's Head and young Strawberry Hedgehog

Heading for the bend

I give that large bud several days to a week

Foothills trail

Farm & Ranch Museum and part of Las Cruces

Ghost mountains

One tall Soaptree yucca

Change of mind

Serrated mountains

Rainy desert morning


And again

Two different exposures #1


Switchback up the mountain


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

So many Jewelflowers are blooming right now-we've never seen so many in this area. Beautiful flowers.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...