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Friday, August 16, 2019

A Short Circuit

Early morning moon
Becca had a stressful visit to the vet late yesterday afternoon, and, unfortunately, it was more bad news; she has several new growths that require surgery, but Dr. K and I aren't sure we want to put Becca through those operations.  She hasn't been herself of late, the biggest tell:  she's not enthusiastic about our morning hikes; and she seems to lack energy afterwards.  I have a friend who told me his father once said to him:  "If you want your heart broken get a dog."  Unfortunately I know that reality all too well, having had to say "so long" too many times in the past.

Becca and I took an abbreviated hike just west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, sticking to the single-track alongside the arroyo before heading back on the loop near the old white shack.  One good thing happened right after finishing our trek; just as we were about to depart the Sunset Area our buddy Jimmy pulled in with his Tacoma, got out and came over to greet us.  Becca was very happy to see him and gladly accepted his pets.  He and I talked for quite a while until we grew disgusted with the large number of people carelessly speeding past us kicking up dust.  It doesn't matter if these drivers are unthinking or just plain rude--the dirt they kick up is not good breathing material.
Sans birds

This and the next:  Sacred Datura

Another perspective on the moon

Right before the sun crests over Tortugas

Desert Zinnia

Becca leading the way alongside the mountain

A pause to scope out the area

Morose White-winged Dove on a dying Sotol

Close in to the mountain

Velvety Nerisyrenia (aka "Bicolor Fanmustard)


All of the rest:  Desert Marigolds

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those photos of the early morning moon.

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