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Monday, October 5, 2020

Day After

Just getting started
Our early morning trek was up to First Arroyo and back today.  We saw no one either coming or going.  We stayed inside the arroyo longer than usual because both Willow and Frio were enjoying lying in shade on the cool sand.  Dr. K and I didn't mind waiting in the shadow of tall yuccas before signalling it was time to head back.

The weather was pleasant out there, with a starting temperature of 56F; we're headed for 91F today, quite a bit above normal for this time of year.

The long view heading down LDR-A

Day after moon

LDR-A merging with LDR in the distance

View of Tortugas Mountain Observatory from First Arroyo

Yucca stalking the moon

This and the next:  views inside First Arroyo

Toward Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Willow and Frio

Young Soaptrees

First arroyo, looking west


Wake me when the hike is over

Mr. Frio

This and the next:  Willow

Frio again

Soaptree Yucca seed pod

Dirt roads again

Last 2:  Barrel Cactus fruit


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of our Heelers.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...