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Monday, October 19, 2020

Flu Shots

Sunrise over the Organ Mountains
We got a very early start on our morning hike today so we could do our usual trek and get back home to shower and secure the dogs before heading to Walgreens to get our annual flu shots.  This year we made online appointments so we could appear with papers in hand, turn them over, get the inoculations and get out.

Best laid plans, eh?  Arrived at 10:15 for our 10:30 appointments and didn't get the flu shot until 11:15.  Don't know if they were short staffed or what, but it was easily the most frustrating experience we'd ever had there, made particularly worse because of the Covid19 pandemic and CDC warnings not to stay inside in crowded conditions for more than fifteen minutes.  Fortunately it wasn't crowded and everybody was wearing a mask.  Still . . .


This and the next:  long view of Tortugas and the Organs

This and the next 2:  inside First Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love that second photo of the sunrise over the Organ Mountains.

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