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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Into the High Country

Barrel Cactus fruit
We did a hike up to First Arroyo this morning before returning home to finish packing and head to the high country, where we are now.

It's a bit cooler in the Sacramento Mountains, and it will be almost cold tonight--a welcome change.  Willow and Frio seem to be enjoying the change of scenery, and they've explored part of the property with unbridled Heeler curiosity.

Can't wait until we can all get out on the trail early tomorrow morning.

Prickly Mickey

Leaning tower of Barrel Cactus

All the rest:  inside Second Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the barrel cactus fruit. It's a slightly different angle than you usually take with that plant.

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