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Sunday, October 4, 2020


Dr. K and the Heelers
Early morning hike with Dr. K and the Heelers today.  We encountered Big Hat man and woman on the way out; we exchanged pleasant greetings, and the dogs behaved really well.

Stopped inside Second Arroyo for a shade, water and photo-op break before heading back.

57F at the start of our trek.  Headed for a high of 87F.  Sunny and clear with just a hint of breeze--an enjoyable day in early October.

This and the next 3:  Soaptree Yucca

This and the next:  inside Second Arroyo

Willow and Frio

Second Arroyo

Dead tree

Live tree


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that last photo of the sun coming through the trees.

Nest Building

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