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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Low Nineties

Just getting started
On the trail at 8 this morning for a hike up to First Arroyo and back.  It was cool at the start (54F), but we're headed for a high of 92F today.  Sick of the above normal temps.

Bumped into the guy who runs ahead of his wife, but who also stops frequently to let her catch up; they both greeted us warmly this morning.  The guy said, "They finally picked up the junk down by the arroyo."  He was referring to the refrigerator and stove that have sat there for months.

On the way down, when we first noticed the appliances had been removed, Dr. K wondered if the tweet I had sent to the county government had resulted in the pick-up.  No way of knowing for sure, but I'd like to believe I had something to do with it.

Barrel Cactus fruit

Distant view of the mountains

View from inside First Arroyo

Looking east toward Tortugas from First Arroyo

More Barrel Cactus fruit

Heelers and a Wildcat




Looking west across the Mesilla Valley

Ocotillos and clouds

Last 3:  View of the Organs from the major east/west arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that close-up of the barrel cactus fruit.

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