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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Arm Wrestling

Just starting down LDR-A
Just as we started up Right Branch Arroyo on the final leg of our trek this morning a chorus of coyotes belted out a tune.  Frio couldn't hear them, of course, but Willow was eager to pull ahead to find out what the ruckus was.  She was unafraid.

It soon became clear that the canids had tracked up the arroyo because both Heelers got on their scent and refused to give it up.  It was a genuine struggle for me to hold them back.  I'm glad they weren't off lead, certain they would have bounded ahead in pursuit.

At one point I even considered bushwhacking over to a ridge to get them out of the arroyo, but decided to soldier on.  It wasn't until we began climbing the hill west of the right branch that the Heelers lost the scent and I was able to relax my grip on their lead handles.

Long view to the north

This & next 3:  early morning sunlight

Frio and Willow

Peace is victory

Last 2:  Tortugas Mountain and the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the early-morning light on the desert floor. My favorite image is the one you called the long view to the north.

Almost Brutal Trek

Snow sky 30F when Willow and I started off this morning, the raw conditions made nearly unbearable by a strong, cold wind.  The Organ Mounta...