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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Clearing Up

Wise men
A sunny morning when we set off on our daily trek, but still a bit cold:  41F.  Fortunately the wind wasn't blowing.

I extended the hike quite a lot today, crossing the Tellbrook Arroyo after descending the LDR-A arroyo, heading east toward the Organs until reaching a major north/south arroyo, following that arroyo north until reaching a spot where we began bushwhacking to the west.

When we came to one of the small arroyo that leads south we followed it back to the Tellbrook, and then trekked up the new arroyo, taking the right branch and exiting up the hill beside the upper flatland road.

Tree in Tellbrook Arroyo

Thrasher in a tree

Dove in tree

Just north of Tellbrook Arroyo

This & next:  looks like a Mourning Dove

Soaptree speaks with forked tongue

This & next:  slice of Chihuahuan Desert

This & next 4:  Frio and Willow

Upon examining the photo I see this Hedgehog is blooming

Little red flower buds

This & next:  the long view while bushwhacking

A bit of snow on the Organs

The rest:  clouds over the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

So many cute photos of our cute Heelers! My favorite non-Heeler photo is the last one of the clouds over the Organs.

Saturday with Wils

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