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Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Little Extra

Early morning sky
I extended this morning's trek in order to give Willow extra time to do her business, which has been somewhat tardy of late; but despite the extension she did nothing.

Our route today took us down LDR-A and into the LDR-A arroyo, east on the east/west cross trail, up Left Bank arroyo and then down to the Tellbrook Arroyo, west from there to LDR-A.  A bit up the latter dirt road we again took the east/west cross trail to Right Branch Arroyo.

We trekked all the way up the right branch into its head, and then exited the arroyo by climbing the steep hill beside the upper flatland road.  I even led the Heelers back down LDR-A a ways thinking Willow would take advantage of the extra yardage, but, as mentioned above, she didn't.

Tortugas and the Organs

Three Kings

Small tree in Left Branch Arroyo


Soaptree Yuccas (front), Torrey Yuccas (rear)

Tree north of the Tellbrook Arroyo

Local color

Frio and Willow

Willow and Frio


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love that last photo of Willow and Frio. Willow looks worried and Frio looks happy-go-lucky.

Saturday with Wils

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