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Friday, March 18, 2022

Astonishing Sky

First 7:  astonishing sky
Heelers were plenty feisty this morning, and we had two--count them--two jackrabbit encounters.  Heelers were intent on chasing said hares, and not very concerned about whether they were pulling my arms out of their shoulder sockets.

The pups had settled down by the time we entered Right Branch Arroyo, but I was wasted by then.  We didn't linger long at our resting spot because I had to get home, shower, and get ready to greet the Xfinity tech guy.

I had already received, literally, 8 text messages reminding me of the appointment, set up for between 10 and 12.  Guy called after twelve telling me he was on his way.  Aaaaaaargh!

Frio and Willow

This & next 7:  more astonishing sky

View from the middle branch

This & next 2:  Barrel Cactus

Organ Mountain sun


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

These photos of the early morning sun are so spectacular that I'm having trouble choosing my favorite. The last image--Organ Mountain sun--is so gorgeous.

Almost Brutal Trek

Snow sky 30F when Willow and I started off this morning, the raw conditions made nearly unbearable by a strong, cold wind.  The Organ Mounta...