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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

East Versus West

Sky to the northeast
We did our normal hike this morning, and the Heelers were very well behaved.  The most notable feature of the outing for me was the differences between the eastern and western sky.  Looking east it seemed as if it could start raining at any moment; but things were clearing in the west.  Frio and Willow didn't seem to notice.

It was definitely colder this morning.  The lack of sunshine and the stiff wind made me glad I wore my Marmot PreCip today.  I easily could have done without it yesterday, but it was a necessity this morning.

Got some good exercise on our exploration, and a good time was had by all.

This & next:  sky to the northwest

Ocotillos and cloudy sky

This & next:  experiments in color

View from LDR-A

Crazy clouds

Long view of Tortugas and the Organs

More crazy clouds

Tortugas and the Organs

Wise men

Frio and Willow

Tree X

This & next:  yucca I've been monitoring

Site of last night's banquet

You can see the blooming yucca

Heelers in right branch

Frio and Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love those photos of the crazy clouds. "Crazy" is just the right word for them.

Saturday with Wils

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