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Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Cool Wind

Really green Ocotillos
Our hike was especially enjoyable this morning because, even though it was humid, a nice cool wind blew throughout our explorations.

Did the usual trek today; no need to elaborate.  We saw no one in the desert, but Mr. White Hat's white van was parked in its usual spot when we got back to the CR-V.

Driving in to our parking spot today I saw a small snake in front of me and swerved to miss it.  When I got out of the vehicle I walked back to scoot it off the dirt road.  It was a small Striped Whipsnake that willingly obliged when I stomped my boot nearby.  The snake's sudden slithering motion made Dr. K cringe.

Looking back up LDR-A


Green at the base of Tortugas (left) caused by leafy Ocotillos

Humidity haze

Ocotillo south of Tortugas Mountain

This & next:  Ocotillos

Willow, Dr. K and Frio

Spot the hawk

The long view

Ocotillos in green finery


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photos of the greened-out Ocotillos. My favorite image is the last one. It's amazing how quickly the Ocotillos became green with just a couple of days of rain.

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