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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Blast Furnace

View from Middle Branch Arroyo
Hot out there this morning, with a blast furnace wind.  We did our normal hike, and we couldn't wait to finish.

The Apache Plume flowers and the Curve-billed Thrasher were on our property.  We've seen almost no flowers blooming out in the desert so far this season.

Looks like it could rain this afternoon or evening.  Let's hope so.

Frio and Willow in the middle branch

Looking north down the right branch

This & next 2:  Apache Plume

The rest:  adolescent Curve-billed Thrasher


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos of the Curve-billed Thrasher. I especially like the first image of the Thrasher--it seems to have an indignant expression on its face.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...