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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Fa Umido

Bad air
In our backyard early this morning it felt quite cool, but when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I hit the trail the temperature had risen significantly; what's more, the humidity felt sky high.  Despite the high humidity we don't have a great chance of rain this afternoon or evening.

Did our normal trek today:  down LDR-A arroyo, east on the east/west cross trail, up the left branch and down the middle branch before heading up and out of the right branch of the "new" arroyo.

We took a short ride after our hike to explore a few neighborhoods.

This & next:  I think it's Viscid Acacia

Frio, Willow, Dr. K

Tortugas and the Organs

Black-throated Sparrow

Hole at bottom is the work of a Carpenter Bee

New and old Soaptree Yucca seed pods

Fallen yucca fruit

The rest:  Torrey Yucca from which the fallen fruit fell


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of the fallen Yucca fruit. They're about the size of a dill pickle.

Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...