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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Amigo Trio

Large Torrey Yucca with leaning fruit stalk
Willow, Frio and I did our normal hike without Dr. K this morning; she went grocery shopping instead.

It was hot out there, but not as bad as the previous two days.  I think we're slated to reach only 100F this afternoon.

Mr. White Hat and his dog were already exploring the desert when we got to the trailhead as evidenced by his large white van.  We didn't see them, however.  They were still out there when we left.

This & next:  long view of foliage in a large arroyo

Willow and Frio on break in yucca shadow

Yucca with leaning stalk

Organ Mountains in haze


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the Yucca with its leaning stalk.

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