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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Alpha and Beta Hikes

First 4:  in the forest around our cabin
Our first hike was with Willow and Frio in the forest around our cabin.  Afterward Dr. K and I drove over to the Grand View lower trailhead and did the entire trek including the new loop section that's much longer than either one of us believed.  Nevertheless, it was a good outing.

Haynes Canyon

White Sands National Park from the Sacramento Mountains

Birds in this area

This & next:  Grand View Trail

This & next:  long views of White Sands National Park

Hedgehog in rock

Drat--almost good image of a Northern Flicker


Bristle Flax turned inside out like a windblown umbrella

Critters of this area

Painted Lady

Trail marker at the new lower loop junction


This & next 2:  from the new loop trail

Alligator Juniper

Willow and Frio sharing a bed


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It was nice to do the Grand View trail. I really like the photo of the butterfly (I think butterflies are good-luck signs).

Nest Building

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