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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Fits and Starts

Wispy cloud over the Organs

Next 4:  clouds over the Organs










Unusual beginning to our hike this morning:  guy on the trail with dogs ahead of us, shotgun blast close up behind us on the south side of Tellbrook Road.

We stood on the hill directly west of Right Branch Arroyo for a while trying to decide where to go; eventually we opted for a descent down LDR-A.  Man with the dogs crossed the dirt road behind us heading back to his truck.

We cross the Tellbrook Arroyo and trekked up LDR a ways before turning around and heading back.

At about 11:45 we got our Covid bivalent booster and flu shot at a nearby Walgreens.

Soaptrees alongside LDR-A

Frio and Willow on LDR-A

Wet grass

Long view of Tortugas and the Organs



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that last photo of the (dead?) tree. Kind of spooky.

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