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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Blue Sky with Clouds

First 3:  wild clouds this morning
We started out intending to do our usual hike on a very pleasant, though somewhat humid, morning today.  We had to alter our track immediately, however, due to a guy with dogs--same man we see all too often.

We dropped down the steep hill just west of Right Branch Arroyo and descended to the junction with the left branch which we ascended.  Crossing over to the middle branch we headed down to the intersection with the right branch.

We then headed south up the right branch and exited using the steep hill to the west.

Frio, Willow and Dr. K in Right Branch Arroyo

Spot the raptor

Raptor in above 2 pics is a Cooper's Hawk

Down the right branch

Amazing clouds

This & next:  Picacho Peak in sunlight

View from Middle Branch

Fall colors on Ocotillo branches

Billowing clouds

Willow and Frio on break

Picacho Peak in shadow

Flank of Tortugas and the Organs

Organ Mountains

Willow looking up an arroyo, Frio spotting a bird

This & next:  amazing clouds

Golden Crownbeard and friend


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the morning clouds. I think the first one is my favorite. You have such a good eye, Packrat.

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