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Friday, December 30, 2022

Slight Rain Delay

1st 3:  views from LDR-A arroyo
Slept through the weather report last night and missed the forecast for overnight rain.  It was still raining when we got up this morning, and the precipitation briefly delayed our departure.

Although it was cloudy and wet when we did our daily trek it didn't feel particularly cold due to the mid-40s temperature, lack of wind and high humidity.

We made it through our outing without a drop of rain falling upon the four amigos.

Willow and Frio on the east/west cross trail

This & next:  long view of Tortugas and the Organs

View from Middle Branch Arroyo

Waiting for treats

The rest:  extra long view of Tortugas and the cloudy Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's one of the best photos of Frio and Willow that you've ever taken.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...