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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Tre Amici

This morning's moon
This morning Frio, Willow and I took our normal hike without Dr. K, who went shopping.  I had to keep the nincompups on lead longer than I have of late because they were champing at their bits to chase something I never saw.

I unleashed them when we entered the middle branch, and they behaved admirably, though vacuum-cleaner Willow had her nose plastered to the ground for much of the trek.

We took a short drive after our outing, heading down Tellbrook Road to Las Alturas and heading home that way.

Long view of Tortugas and the Organs

The Kardashian clan

From this distance I'm guessing "Cactus Wren"

Willow and Frio

Nincompups Frio and Willow


This & next 2:  Desert Sumacs in Right Branch Arroyo

Moon through Ocotillos

Willow and Frio climbing out of the right branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice close-up images of the reddish Sumac leaves.

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