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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Bad Heelers, Good Heelers

Dr. K attended an American Association of University Women meeting this morning so I was on my own with Frio and Willow.

We did a different hike because someone in a small white compact car was parked at the trailhead where we usually start.  We descended LDR and had nearly reached the Tellbrook Arroyo when the guy in the black side-by-side turned up the dirt road heading in our direction.  I got the Heelers far enough off the road, but they still went feral on me when the guy's dog barked at them.  I said good morning to the guy and then struggled to keep my dogs in check.  Boy was I pissed at them.

Not long after crossing the Tellbrook Arroyo I let the dogs off lead in order to prevent further trauma to my arms and shoulders.  They were semi-wild exploring the desert, but they kept an eye on my whereabouts and came to me whenever I summoned them.  I even hid from them several times and they found me without trouble.  I felt good about their behavior then, but I kept hoping a coyote or two wouldn't pop up unannounced.

By the time we reached home I was only half-pissed off at our cattle dogs.

Cloudy Organs

Fishhook Barrel Cactus

Soaptree Yucca and the mountains

LDR looking south

Tortugas and the Organs

This & next:  exploring side arroyos

This & next 2:  the "O"s in a side arroyo

This & next:  same Soaptree Yuccas different zoom


This & next 3:  Come!

Last 2:  nearly the same view of Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Sorry our Heelers misbehaved. You still got some cute photos of them.

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