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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Day Before Hump

1st 2:  could be a large dog or . . .
44F at the start of our hike this morning, but conditions felt pleasant because of intense sunshine and no wind.

We did our normal hike which was marred by one loose-dog incident.  As we reached the junction of LDR-A arroyo and LDR-A the Heelers picked up a strong scent.  Immediately afterward a jackrabbit lit out of the underbrush and the dogs went after it.  Willow stopped when we admonished her, but Frio kept going at full tilt.  When he returned thirty seconds later--sans jackrabbit, of course--he had his ears back and a worried look on his face.  He knew he'd done wrong.

I put them both back on lead for a short distance and made them walk behind me while they contemplated their misbehavior.  When I let them off lead a short while later both were extra well behaved.

Soaptree and the mountains

Soaptrees and the distant Organs

This & next:  Organ Mountains

The "O"s


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that first image of the Soaptree Yucca and the mountains.

Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...