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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Saturday Shuffle

1st 3:  the "O"s loose on a ridge
Because we changed over from our evaporative cooler to the furnace yesterday the temps are rising; we're supposed to be 79F today.

Dr. K is not complaining about the heat, though I suspect she was a bit overdressed for our trek in the desert today.

We did our usual route with the "O"s off lead most of the way.  With the exception of one minor hiccup they behaved excellently on our hike this morning.

This & next:  thick haze/smoke?

Descending into the lower desert

Ballerina/you must've seen her/dancing in the sand

Check out the length of these fishhooks

Wise men

Another look at the haze

This & next 3:  Barrel cacti

Hedgehog Cactus

This & next:  Soaptree Yucca dried seed pods


Before alien transformation

Willow and Frio

The rest:  Heelers going and coming


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the image of the Soaptree Yucca dried seed pods.

Saturday with Wils

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