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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Cloudy, Windy, Cold

Headed down LDR-A
Although it was about 12 degrees above zero when we set off this morning it felt freezing out there during the hike; the culprits:  clouds and strong wind.

Despite the poor weather conditions we did our usual hike during which we spotted no other nature enthusiasts.  Not surprising considering the cold.

Frio and Willow didn't seem to mind the inclement weather, often leading us along the trails while sniffing, peeing and even pooping at times.

Looking back at the way we just came

Ocotillo sky

This & next:  obviously the same Soaptree Yucca

Particularly prickly Prickly Pear

Mountain tops

Soaptree Yuccas and the cloudy Organ Mountains

Crown Dancer yucca

Heelers leading the way



This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos today, Packrat. My favorites are the Crown Dancer Yucca and the last image you posted of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...