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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Break in the Rain

Rainy day mountains
It rained overnight and was raining lightly when we got up this morning.  For a while it seemed as if we wouldn't be able to take a hike today, but conditions improved slightly and we were able to take advantage of a window of opportunity at 8.

We were out there between 8 and 9, and just as we were getting into the narrow trail section of the right branch it began to sprinkle.  The wind picked up.  By the time we got home the sky looked threatening.

A short time later the thunder began.  The heavy downpour came accompanied by strong winds.  The forceful rain lasted for only a short while, but it kept raining for an hour or so before letting up.

Soaptree Yuccas and the Organs

This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

The long view

Cattle dogs lead the way

But wait!


Organ Mountains

Soaptree and Torrey Yuccas (rear)

Picacho on a rainy morning

This & next:  views from the middle branch

Mouth of the right branch arroyo

Tortugas and the Organs


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