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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Light, Cold Wind

1st 3:  Organs from LDR-A
21F when we got up this morning, 24F when we hit the trail.  According to my weather app there wasn't supposed to be any wind, but when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I started off a light wind made conditions feel even worse.  Fortunately bright sunshine kept things bearable.

We did our usual trek, seeing nobody along the way.  We did spot the Basset people heading east along Tellbrook Road when we were driving west for a short ride before heading home.

Dr. K and I went to PetsMart afterward in order to buy fuel for the Heelers.

This & next 2:  La Cueva Rocks from 10 miles away

Soaptree, mesquite and mountains

Frio and Willow

Backlit Prickly Pear

Leafless Ocotillo

Last 3:  Prickly Pear and hedgehog


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the second photo of La Cueva rocks in the Organs. Such an interesting rock formation.

Saturday with Wils

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