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Monday, June 30, 2014

Curtailed Hightail

Morning sunlight apparition in the hallway outside my office
We're under an extreme heat warning today, headed for a high of 103 or 104 F.  From the way it felt out there this morning I'm guessing we might top out a bit higher.  Because of the temperature--and the absence of significant wind--I cut our hike short this morning.  Becca took five or six shade breaks along the way.  I made sure she stayed hydrated, though, giving her water almost every time we stopped.  I drank, too, because I was perspiring moderately heavily.
Allthorn in bloom

These wasps love Allthorn flowers

What's Becca staring at?

A Jackrabbit up on its haunches

A hare ready to move out

A very hot Chihuahuan Desert


Scott said...

I'll bet that rabbit's flight impulse was set on a hare-trigger. (Sorry...)

packrat said...

Harey-dee hare hare.


Dr. K said...

That apparition is spooky.

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...