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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Just Beyond the Hump

Along the foothills trail
No rain tease this morning, although local meteorologists are giving us a 10% chance of precipitation.  Two human encounters of the third kind this morning:  a male jogger who we see fairly frequently, and a woman mountain biker who we used to see often.  She seems to be back at it everyday again.  She was coming up the steepest, rockiest section of the foothills trail, and she seemed barely to have enough breath to say hello.  She did, though.  Becca and I had the whole place to ourselves the rest of the way.
No shade break because of the cloud cover

Sun breaking through

Looking west toward the Mesilla (meh-SEE-ya) Valley

Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Water for a parched desert

A lot of desert before you reach the Organs

South toward the gap

Looking back to the Tortoise

Inverted spur


Dr. K said...

I like the sky in "Along the Foothills Trail."

Scott said...

Two Januarys ago, I visited my father (now deceased) who then was living in northern San Diego County, CA. Late one afternoon I decided to hike to the top of a large hill/small mountain (much like Tortugas) that had been protected by the Fallbrook Conservancy. Though the route was only about a mile long, it was a steep climb (at least for me), and I was very tired, winded, and soaked with sweat by the time I finished. On my way back down, I passed an extremely fit young woman who was running up the trail carrying hand weights. She made me feel like such a wimp!

packrat said...

It's called "getting old," Scott, something I know about all too well.


Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...